tinyapps.org / Palm OS

Numbers in brackets generally refer to RAM used rather than download size. The Green Award and "+" symbol do not apply to Palm-based apps.


PalmVNC 2.0 [58k] {S} VNC for Palm OS 3.5 - 5. Supports improved screen resolutions of LifeDrive, Tungsten, Clie, etc. 📺

Downloader 1.1 [62k] File downloader (similar to wget or curl). Options include: I (display images in list), L (display links in list), and C (force download to card - useful for viewing source code, as Blazer does not have a "view source" function). 📺 💾 🌎

TuSSH 0.83 [296k] SSH client for Palm OS 4 or greater. 📺

pssh version 2005-06-23 [297k] {S} SSH 2 for Palm OS 5. 📺


TiBR (Tiny Book Reader) [52k] PalmDoc reader. Lite version uses only 25k of memory. 📺

CSpotRun [28k] {S} Pilot Doc reader 📺

QED [41k] DOC reader (free) and editor (shareware) 📺

CardTXT 0.50a [50k] Read and write TXT files up to 4MB in size. 📺

Plucker [85k] {S} Plucker is an offline web and eBook viewer that comes with Unix, Linux tools and conduits, and Windows and Mac OSX conduits that let you decide exactly what part of the web that you want to view on your PDA. 📺

List [26k] {S} Simple database app 📺

FreeGrid v0.5b [30k] Light spreadsheet for Palm. 📺

MobileDB Lite [76k] Viewer for table or spreadsheet-like information 📺

IntelligentFind 3.2.2 [268k] $ The best Palm OS Find replacement, though it suffers from an ungainly installation and registration process. 📺


Snap 0.2.5 [11k] Screenshot app for PalmOS 5. Saves images as BMP files on expansion card. 📺

DiddleBug 2.90.7 [155k] {S} Sticky notes / sketch pad app with built-in alarm 📺


X-Master [53k] Hack/extension management program. Lite version also available. 📺

Disable Buttons 2.1 [6k] Disable the hard buttons from powering on your Palm device. 📺

Newpen [23k] Use your entire screen for graffiti input. 📺

BatteryLog [31k] Battery information & monitor 📺

Thin Font Fix 1.0b3 [10k] Make fonts easier to read on Sony CLIEs with high resolution screens and Palm OS 3.5 - 4.1. 📺

ChangeName 3.2 [9k] {S} Set/change the UserName (HotSyncName) and the UserID directly on your Palm OS 3.3 - 5.x device. You can also fake the FlashRomSerialNumber and the OS Version (string). Includes a program for MS Windows to show all user in the PalmDesktop user database (users.dat) and it allows to change a user name on the desktop. 📺

Benchmark 2.0 [6k] Measure CPU speed and bus bandwidth utilization; compare results with other models. 📺

Speedy 2.6 [28k] Benchmark utility 📺


🌱 prc2bin 1.0 [14k] + Takes a Pilot resource database (PRC) file and extracts each resource into a separate file. 📺 💾

GentleMan [83k] {S} Full featured file manager 📺

Filez 6.8.3 [160k] {S} View, edit, copy, move, delete, and beam any file on your Palm device. Includes hex editor, memory card & hotsync info screens, memory card to memory card copying. 📺


pCrack [4k] Crack the built-in Palm password on Palm OS 3.51 or earlier. 📺

Strip (Secure Tool for Recalling Important Passwords) v1.0 [45k] {S} Password manager with 256 bit AES encryption. 📺

Keyring for Palm OS [72k] {S} Securely store secret information on your PalmOS handheld. Triple-DES encryption, random password generator, export to MemoPad, and support for a number of languages. 📺

Backup & Synchronizing

BackupBuddy VFS:Free [112k] Backup to and restore from expansion cards (SD/MMC). Shareware version also available. 📺

Pilot Install v4.5.0 [465k] Windows/OS X app that installs Palm OS Software WITHOUT HotSync. Free for private use. 📺

🌱 PenguinBackup [1249k] {S}+ Backup and restore your PalmPilot (OS 1.x - 3.x) with a single floppy. 📺

Alarms & Clocks

Timer 0.1 [8k] {S} Sound alarm at regular intervals 📺

Meditation Timer 1.3.1 [15k] Beeps/vibrates at regular intervals (1 minute to 99 hours). Stops after 1-999 stages or counts forever. 📺

Chimester 1.8 [22k] Can be set to play a MIDI/WAV file, vibrate, or activate the LED on the hour or any 15 minute increment thereof. Find in Prefs > Other after installation. 📺 💾

Stopwatch 2.0 [48k] Digital stopwatch for Palm OS 3.0 and higher. 📺 💾

BigClock [50k] {S} Full-featured clock 📺

SilentCue 1.2 [54k] Vibrates Palm device at custom interval ranging from 1 to 60 minutes. 📺

PocketDoan 3.4.1 [100k] Single and multi-stage meditation timer with audio, vibration, and LED alerts. 📺

Chime 1.2 [781k] Sounds (via voice, chime, or vibration) on the hour, half hour, or quarter hour during a given day/time range. 📺


chmod v2.1 [8k] Calculates octal notation of *nix file system permissions 📺

AsciiChart 2.0.4 [17k] ASCII chart which displays decimal, octal and hexadecimal values for characters as well as their height and width. 📺

SoundRec v1.051 [24k] {S} Voice memo recorder. One button recording, save or export to SD card, more. 📺 💾

Converter [25k] Unit conversion tool supporting over 200 unit types in 23 different categories. 📺

MegaWiki 5.4 [34k] Link text across apps 📺

Calcul-8! [50k] Scientific Calculator with Conversion 📺

MileageX [124k] Keep track of mileage (Note: in addition to MileageX.prc, the hosted archive contains PDATAdvUtilsLib.prc, PDATDBXLibRT.prc, and PDATCDLib.prc, which resolve the following error messages respectively: "Lib not found: Lib=paUL.", "Lib not found: Lib=DBex.", and "Lib not found: Lib=Pcdl.") 📺 💾

DeskPilot v0.9 [265k] + Standalone viewer for Palm Desktop's Address Book, MemoPad, ToDo List and DateBook files. 📺


last update: 2012.09.05